Test Cells

Mikromasch’s Cell is a modular system that allows assembly of electrochemical test cells with various configurations for characterization of aprotic, aqueous and combined chemistries.
Cells are suitable for the most conventional electrochemical techniques including voltammetry, chronoamperometry, cycle life testing, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
Our Cell design allows researchers that focus on lithium-ion and metal-air batteries, supercapacitors to quickly and reproducibly test electrode materials and electrolytes in lab scale.
- Versions for aqueous and aprotic media available
- Two- and three-electrode configurations can be implemented in each cell design
- Ability to assemble single- or dual-chamber cells with separated cathodic and anodic space
- Fast and easy assembly and disassembly, ability to analyze electrodes after testing
- Adjustable uniform mechanical load on electrodes
- Reusable chemically inert sealing o-rings with very low leakage
Single chamber cells for systems with one electrolyte

Cell for lithium-ion electrode materials, electrolyte testing and for Lithium-metal battery research
Basic design for conventional electrochemical experiments on the performance of the electrode, chemistries, their combinations and electrolytes. The cell combines advantages of industrial button cells with ability to use 3-electrode configuration and easy assembly/disassembly.
Partnumber: SC-Basic

Cell for analysis of evolving gases in Li- ion systems and Zn-air battery research
A cell design with gas inlet/outlet ports allows to analyze gases, evolving during cell operation by means of FTIR or mass-spectroscopy. Testing of aqueous metal-air batteries can be performed in such cells as well.
Partnumber: SC-Gas
Dual-chamber cells for systems with more than one electrolyte

Membrane testing
Cell for research of solid and polymer electrolytes
Cell with two hermetically sealed chambers for measurement of the ac impedance spectra of solid electrolyte membranes fixed on cell base with liquid electron-blocking electrodes; estimation of ion transference numbers using dc techniques is also possible.
Partnumber: DC-Membrane

Cell for membrane permeability and Fuel cell research
Dual-chamber cell with two flow fields allow to implement a gas or liquid flow in both cathodic and anodic space that are used in fuel cell research.
Partnumber: DC-FGas

Cell for Li-air batteries
Dual-chamber design provides an ability to use combined chemistries in e.g. lithium-air batteries (different aprotic electrolytes in different chambers or aprotic/aqueous systems).
Partnumber: DC-Combi

Custom-made electrochemical cells that meet your research interests and budget requirements can be developed either from the scratch or on the basis of the reliable and flexible legacy module design with a wide range of available parts. Contact us to discuss the specifics of your experiment and application to get the cell right for your needs.